This project has been a long time in the making… or at least in the conception. I’ve wanted to do something like this for some time now, and it’s finally happening! Ever since becoming a fan of Game Informer’s Replay feature several years ago, I’ve often thought I’d like to give it a go. At first it seemed somewhat unattainable, then simply too time consuming. Regardless, here we are!
So what am I talking about? First a little backstory. Years ago when I was just getting the hang of Facebook and merely dipping my toes in the wild world of Twitter, I saw a post from Game Informer basically announcing something like, “Do you like Mystery Science Theater 3000? You’ll love this! It’s just like MST3K only for video games instead of movies!” That’s pretty heavy paraphrasing, but you get the idea. I do love me some MST3K (see my meeting Kevin Murphy at Salt Lake Comic Con FanX) and video games. It sounded like they were about to scratch an itch I didn’t yet know I had!
Regrettably, it was some time before I actually got around to checking out Replay. Well, I say “regrettably”, but the upside was by that time there was a wealth of great content that I could binge watch, getting to know the voices, personalities and sense of humor of many of the great GI staff members whose writing I had enjoyed for years. Watching that entertaining bunch play through older video games quickly became one of the highlights of each week. And it sure seemed fun! And with that, I give you “The King’s Backlog”!
I believe I’ve mentioned before how my video game collection has easily outgrown the available time I have to play, so I’m doing something about it. I have the hardware and software to record my own game videos, along with commentary. It’s going to be a little rough at first. It turns out it can be a bit tricky carrying on a conversation with yourself while also trying to play, though I’m confident it will get easier with practice. And boy is editing video and audio a time sink! I’m hoping that process also gets easier with practice.
Since doing this by myself will be a different dynamic from the shows I’ve enjoyed that usually consist of three to four people at a time, I thought I’d do some searching to find some people who also record solo and have a similar tone to what I’m going for. Along those lines, I’d like to recommend ChristopherOdd, I’ve found his videos to be well made, entertaining, and grounded. Like myself he enjoys the stories that games can tell. And while I’m recommending YouTube channels, check out chinfat. His video tutorials are incredible for anyone interesting in learning to edit videos. This post would have been delayed greatly without his expertly made content.
Although I’ve basically come to terms with the fact that I’ll most likely never have the time to play through all of the games on my shelf, I sure would like to try! My goal is to have a new episode approximately one hour in length uploaded weekly, at least to start with and then we’ll just see how it goes from there. I was originally thinking of targeting a Friday or Saturday release schedule, but with work I never really know when I’ll be traveling or what hours I’ll be working. I’ve resigned myself to just try to make sure a new episode goes up each week without focusing on a particular day.
Episode One!
First up is Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. I have fond memories of the first game in this franchise and I greatly enjoyed playing through the most recent entry. However, I have never played any games from The Sands of Time series. Join me as I rectify that and attempt to be informative and/or entertaining at the same time.
Please feel free to comment on the post or the video, especially if you have a suggestion for the next game you would like to see me play through. Chances are pretty good that not only is it on my shelf, but also that I haven’t actually played it yet.
Play nice, everyone!
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